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Arte Functions
Articles | 24 DIC 2021 Por Valeria Correa

Art was one of the first methods of expression that humanity developed, so it is not surprising that throughout history it has been used for different purposes, creating multiple functions.

As it was used, art theorists have given themselves the task of defining each function, and because art changes according to the time in which it was manifested, its functions obey the needs that arose in its context. , and can even manifest more than one at a time. That is why on this occasion we will share the definitions of the functions of art and we will provide some examples of how these have been presented through history to the present day.


The use of art related to rituals and superstitions is what defines this function. It usually occurs when what is desired to happen is represented or worship objects are created that are given meaning and are expected to have some power. The best example of this can be found in prehistoric art. Among the theories about the origin and functions that prehistoric art had, the most accepted says that it had magical-religious purposes, the paintings on the walls of the caves had both deities and hunting scenes in which success can be seen of this, which they always expected and believed they would achieve thanks to the fact that they painted it.


This function is easy to understand from the name, basically from here the concept of "art for art's sake" is born, the works are created with the purpose of expressing beauty, representing the canonical ideals that have been attributed to it at the time and enjoying of the works.


The type of art that operates with this function seeks to transmit an idea and to influence social or political thought. It can be easy to confuse the applications of this function with those covered by the pedagogical function, but the difference is that it does not seek to teach, it defends, influences and justifies, an example could be the art of propaganda.

Commemorative and promotional

The reason why this function comes after the ideological one is precisely what makes them different, the ideological function seeks support from the influence in the masses, while the commemorative function works the exaltation and adoration towards characters or events, such as An example are the monuments that are made to celebrate some military or political victory. Through art the public is amazed and with that it is sought to justify the adoration that is expected in the icon and what it represents.


In the Middle Ages we can find the clearest application of this function in sacred art, as the vast majority of the population was illiterate, it was common for the church to educate parishioners about the Bible with images and that is how it was used. pedagogical. As such, the purpose of this function is to teach, the message that is transmitted through pedagogical art must result in learning.

Registration, analysis and expansion of reality

We are all products of our time and art is obviously no exception, in this function the recording, analysis and expansion of reality can manifest itself in different ways. Between registration and analysis we can find studies of what is found in the artists' environment, an example of this can be found in costumbrista art and even in scientific illustrations, which capture reality from observation through art. . Regarding the expansion, it could be considered as a consequence of the registration and analysis, since, thanks to these, the expansion occurs when, through the study of the works of art, it is possible to study and know what the environment was like. in which these were made.

Sensitivity shaper

As its name indicates, this function consists of the use of art for the development of sensitivity, taste and the capacity for appreciation. It is often believed that art must be beautiful and that being able to appreciate such beauty is the development of good taste, but beauty is not the only quality of art, knowing how to recognize and interpret pain, the grotesque and the unpleasant also represent key points in time to mold sensitivity.


The ornamental function consists of the use of art to transform the space. In previous articles we talked about how corridors that were intended to unite two spaces were completely changed thanks to the presence of art furniture and paintings, becoming the antecedent of what we know today as galleries. Another example can be found in the ideals of Victorian aestheticism, where beauty in each space was a matter of the utmost importance and every detail was taken care of, such as wallpaper design, fabric in curtains and cushions, quality in pottery, among other things.


Art has served as a currency on several occasions throughout history, even this function is applied today since art never ceases to have value for us and in some cases, the older the works, the greater will be its value. As such, as long as we attach a monetary value to any object, it can be used in the market and the art market is huge.

Social bookmarking

To understand the function of art as a social marker, we can again remember the past, for example, the Renaissance, where it was common to use patronage and exchange of works of art as a sign of power, but this function is also evident today, since we are not oblivious to the fact that art falls into the possession of those with greater purchasing power, although this is more than anything a very superficial layer of what the art circuit is as such.

As we have seen, art has several functions and sometimes we can find more than one in the same work of art, everything depends on the use we give them and what they represent in our lives, although of course, the purpose for which the work was made. also plays an important role. At the end of the day, art continues to be a creation of man and has the functions and value that we grant it.

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