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Neo-Pompeyism: a trend created in nineteenth-century Olympus
Artículos | 27 NOV 2021 Por Valeria Correa
Behind the scandal and controversies caused throughout the 19th century by the movements of Delacroix...
5 peculiar stories about the maintenance of some cultural heritages
Artículos | 11 NOV 2021 Por Redacción
There are monuments and public works that accompany us every day, sometimes we live with them or they...
Mark Landis: art, forgery and admiration
Artículos | 10 NOV 2021 Por Brenda J. Carrión
Learn about the story of the false collector who deceived more than 46 museums and galleries for more...
From Art to Meme
Artículos | 20 OCT 2021 Por Valeria Correa
Nowadays, it is easier to find and live with works of art, especially since it is no longer strictly...
Danish museum received 2 blank canvases after giving $83 thousand dollars to the artist
Internacional | 08 OCT 2021 Por Redacción
The Kunsten Museum of Contemporary Art in Aalborg, Denmark, opened on September 24 an exhibition entitled...
The Renaissance outside of Italy
Artículos | 07 OCT 2021 Por Valeria Correa
Throughout the centuries in which the Renaissance developed – approximately the fifteenth and sixteenth...
“Crónicas Nefelibatas” inaugurates a collaboration between Hartii and Javier Barrera.
Local | 23 SEP 2021 Por Redacción
On September 22, an event was held as part of a Hartii proposal to promote local art and organize more...
Basics of Renaissance painting
Artículos | 15 SEP 2021 Por Valeria Correa
There are several movements throughout history whose intention was to evoke the greatness of the old...
Half-shredded Banksy will be auctioned at Sotheby's
Internacional | 09 SEP 2021 Por Redacción
In October 2018, attendees at a Sotheby's auction watched in awe as Banksy's "Girl with Balloon," which...
UNESCO calls for the protection of Afghanistan's cultural heritage
Internacional | 24 AGO 2021 Por Redacción
Given the evolution of recent events in Afghanistan, UNESCO, a United Nations organization that watches...
Initiative against plagiarism of indigenous textile art in Mexico
Nacional | 20 AGO 2021 Por Redacción
History of art collections part III
Artículos | 10 AGO 2021 Por Valeria Correa
Belgian museum will return objects to Congo
Internacional | 28 JUL 2021 Por Redacción
Painter of mayan culture, Manuel Lizama, dies at age 90
Local | 15 JUL 2021 Por Redacción
Mona Lisa replica reaches 2,9 million euros in auction
Internacional | 24 JUN 2021 Por Redacción
History of the Art Collections, Part II
Artículos | 16 JUN 2021 Por Valeria Correa
This article is the second part of "History of Art Collecting". If you want to read part one, we invite...